Become a Member

UN is a division of EUA and represents member companies operating across the gas distribution and transmission value chain, meter manufacturers and metering services companies, data and smart systems providers, professional service organisations as well as consultancy group services. To enquire about membership please fill in the form or alternatively contact Ana Ray
Members Area

Why Join?

A core offering is ensuring member companies remain at the forefront of sector developments, technical information flows and access to exclusive industry intelligence. As well as focussing on the ‘here and now’, we also represent member companies critical interests in the future role of gas by lobbying and influencing Government, policy makers and regulators to the benefit of members long term operations.

UN Provides:

  • Latest industry news A weekly e-bulletin capturing energy sector news and developments.
  • Member News A monthly e-bulletin ‘Connections +’ featuring news from UN members.
  • Events, Meetings & Forums Featuring targeted agendas based on member needs.
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Do you think there will be a gas network in 20 years time?

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Do you think there will be a gas network in 20 years time?