Connected Response launches services to help social housing landlords deal with the Radio Teleswitch Shutdown in June
Connected Response has announced a range of services to support and guide social housing landlords safely through the Radio Teleswitch Services (RTS) Shutdown in June 2025.
Radio teleswitches and associated telemeters will be redundant.
Nobody truly knows what will happen when the RTS Shutdown takes effect, even Ofgem. However, without action being taken, there is potential for the RTS Shutdown to have a truly catastrophic impact on tenants’ energy bills. Consequently, there is an imperative for social housing landlords to address the impact of the RTS Shutdown without delay.
Connected Response’s range of RTS Shutdown Support Services include:
- RTS Shutdown Education – bringing leadership and housing teams up to speed on the RTS Shutdown challenges and solutions
- RTS Shutdown Surveys – providing a summary of RTS metering and teleswitching across a social housing landlord’s property potfolio
- RTS Shutdown Action Planning – working with a social housing landlord to develop an action plan including budget costs and timescales
- RTS Shutdown Action Plan Implementation – full project management for an RTS meter/switch replacement programme including tenant engagement
You can access details of these services here where you can also download a free 21-page RTS Shutdown Briefing Paper.
To download the RTS Shutdown Services leaflet click here.
To discuss how Connected Response’s Shutdown Support Services could help you and your tenants speak with Martin Rinvolucri on 07767 549914 or our Edinburgh-based support team on 0800 246 5561.